Crossover band was formed on March 3, 2016. It began when Terra from "Halfway To The Grave" asked Sansan from "Baby Face Killer" to make a band project with Electronic/ Metal/ Hardcore as the base genre in tribute to Japanese band Fear and loathing in Las Vegas. Terra then asked Phil from "A voice from Gienna" to join the party, following Yudhis, Rein, and Rez from "Halfway To The Grave". So, Crossover's members consists of Reza (Voc), Yudhist (Voc), Rein (Guitar), Sansan (Guitar), Phil (Bass), and Terra (Drum). In the halfway of Crossover's career, our vocalist, Rez, move to Kalimantan to work there. To complete the members, Crossover changed their formation by recruiting Ajik to fill the guitarist's position. Finally, the current members of Crossover are : Yudhis (Voc), Sansan (Voc), Rein (Guitar), Phil (Bass), Terra(Drum), and Ajik (Guitar).


